8 septembre 2024


Cafédomancie is a form of divination that has been practiced in France since the early 20th century. It involves the interpretation of the patterns made by coffee grounds after the coffee has been consumed. Cafédomancie is derived from the French word café, meaning “coffee,” and the Greek word manteia, meaning “ prophecy.” Over the years, cafédomancie has grown in popularity in France, and it has become an important part of French culture. The practice of cafédomancie has even made its way into the art world, with cafédomancy symbols featuring in many works of French art.

The Symbolic Meaning of Cafédomancy

Cafédomancy symbols are the patterns formed by the coffee grounds after the coffee has been consumed. These patterns can take various forms, such as circles, lines, and dots, and each pattern has a unique meaning. In cafédomancy, the interpretation of these patterns is used to predict the future. The following are the most commonly used cafédomancy symbols and their meanings:

1. Lines – Lines represent the path that a person’s life will take in the future. If the lines are long and straight, it means that the person’s life will be smooth and straightforward. If the lines are broken, it implies that the person will face obstacles and challenges along the way.

2. Circles – Circles represent wholeness and completion. If the circles in the coffee grounds are large and clear, it means that the person will achieve their goals. If the circles are small and unclear, it implies that the person’s goals are unclear or unattainable.

3. Dots – Dots represent opportunities and choices. If the dots in the coffee grounds are closely spaced, it means that the person will have many opportunities. If the dots are widely spaced, it implies that the person’s opportunities will be limited.

4. Squares – Squares represent stability and security. If the squares in the coffee grounds are large and well-defined, it means that the person’s life will be stable and secure. If the squares are small and indistinct, it implies that the person’s life will be unstable and unpredictable.

5. Triangles – Triangles represent creativity and innovation. If the triangles in the coffee grounds are large and well-defined, it means that the person will have a lot of creative energy. If the triangles are small and indistinct, it implies that the person will have difficulty expressing their creativity.

The Art of Cafédomancy

Cafédomancy has played an essential role in the art world in France. Many artists use cafédomancy symbols in their artworks to express ideas and emotions. The use of coffee grounds as a medium in art is not new. It dates back to the early 20th century when French artists like Jean Arp and Francis Picabia experimented with different materials to create abstract artworks.

One of the most famous French artists who used cafédomancy symbols in his artwork was Jean Dubuffet. Dubuffet was a French painter, sculptor, and printmaker who was a key figure in the art world in France in the mid-20th century. Dubuffet was fascinated by the abstract patterns formed by coffee grounds, and he used these patterns as a basis for many of his artworks.

Dubuffet used a technique called ‘frottage’ to create his artworks. Frottage is a technique where a sheet of paper is placed over a surface, and the surface is rubbed with a pencil or charcoal to create an impression of the surface on the paper. Dubuffet used this technique with coffee grounds, rubbing the coffee grounds onto a sheet of paper to create abstract patterns. These patterns were then used as a starting point for his artworks.

Cafédomancy in Modern Times

Cafédomancy might have been a popular form of divination in France in the early 20th century, but its popularity has declined in recent years. However, the French still maintain a fascination with coffee and its rituals. Many French people still enjoy coffee and the social aspect of drinking coffee. The French café culture is famous worldwide, and the café is an essential part of French life.

With the rise of social media, cafédomancy has gained new followers, especially among the younger generation. Cafédomancy is now being practiced by people all over the world who are fascinated by French culture and the art of divination.


1. Can anyone practice cafédomancy?
Yes, anyone can learn to practice cafédomancy. It is a form of divination that anyone can learn with patience and practice.

2. Are cafédomancy symbols the same in every culture?
No, cafédomancy symbols vary from culture to culture. Each culture has its unique symbols and meanings.

3. Is cafédomancy a reliable form of divination?
Cafédomancy, like all forms of divination, is not a science. The interpretation of the symbols is subjective, and many factors can influence the outcome. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not they find cafédomancy a reliable form of divination.

4. Is cafédomancy still popular in France?
Cafédomancy, like many traditional practices, has declined in popularity in France. However, it still has a following, especially among those interested in traditional French culture.


Cafédomancy has been practiced in France for over a century and has become an essential part of French culture. The symbols and meanings of cafédomancy have been used by artists such as Jean Dubuffet to express ideas and emotions. Cafédomancy might have declined in popularity in recent years, but it still has a following among those interested in divination and traditional French culture. Whether or not cafédomancy is a reliable form of divination is up to the individual, but it is clear that its impact on French culture is undeniable.

Résumé de l’article sur « cafédomancie : symbole « :

La cafédomancie, une forme de divination basée sur l’interprétation des motifs formés par le marc de café, est pratiquée en France depuis le début du XXe siècle. Les symboles de la cafédomancie représentent divers motifs tels que des lignes, des cercles, des points, des carrés et des triangles, chacun ayant une signification unique pour prédire l’avenir. Bien que son importance ait diminué récemment, la cafédomancie reste une pratique fascinante pour ceux qui s’intéressent à la culture et aux traditions françaises. Elle a également influencé l’art dans des œuvres telles que celles de Jean Dubuffet.

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